Al Risalah Education Trust

Hifz provision

“Verily, We have revealed the Dhikr (Qur’aan) and We have taken it upon ourselves to protect it (from corruption)”.

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Hifz Provision

Alhamdulillah, the Al-Risalah Hifz Class was first established by Moulana Maksud Gangat at the Balham Mosque site. Thereafter, I took over the responsibility of continuing this provision.

When the Gatton Primary School opened in 2006, the Hifz Class moved into their Salaah Hall which was spacious and could accommodate more students.

The current times of classes are 8am to 9am in the morning, before school starts, and in the afternoon from 4:00pm to 6pm.

The morning and afternoon sessions both take place at the Al-Risalah Secondary School site (Tooting Islamic Centre) for the ease of the secondary pupils who close school at 4:00pm and immediately come to Hifz Class without needing to leave the building. Primary pupils close at 3.30pm and so have enough time to travel to the Secondary site.

Alhamdulillah, over the years, students have successfully completed the memorisation of the entire Qur’aan.

Most of them now have successful jobs, degrees in different fields and some are at University or doing A-Levels. Many have led Taraaweeh salaah and some are still leading every Ramadhan. The names of those that completed memorization of the entire Qur’aan are as follows, in chronological order:

1. Hafiz Ali Siddiqui
2. Hafiz Mohammed Zakir Amejee
3. Hafiz Mohammed Randeree
4. Hafiz Ahmed Randeree
5. Hafiz Latifuddeen Muhammad
6. Hafiz Muhammad Suleman
7. Hafiz Muhammad Gangat
8. Hafiz Muhammad-Ilyaas Moosa
9. Hafiz Yunis Ahmed

The Hifz Class is open to pupils from the Al-Risalah Education Trust schools (Al-Risalah Secondary, Orchard Primary, Gatton Primary), subject to availability of space, and is free of charge.

Currently the class has 10 pupils from the primary and secondary schools, and expects another 5 to start in September 2023 Insha Allah.

May Allah take the Hifz class from strength to strength and grant success and acceptance. Aameen.